Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Degree Online

Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Degrees Online

What is Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering?

Students who major in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering learn the science and math behind the miracle of flight. Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering is a branch of Mechanical Engineering that usually has a rigorous curriculum. Students learn about the design and development of aircraft and spacecraft, from small to large.

There can be some confusion surrounding the terms “Aeronautical Engineering” and “Aerospace Engineering.” Originally, the term “Aeronautical” was widely used, but as space technology has advanced, the term “Aerospace” has become more common. Many programs treat the terms as synonymous. If you are exploring a particular program that gives extra weight to one term over the other, be sure to find out if the program focuses on Aeronautical Engineering, Astronautical Engineering, or both.

Is Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering a Good Major / Degree for Me?

Are you fascinated by airplanes and/or spacecraft? Do you build model airplanes? Do you subscribe to NASA’s newsletter? Do you enjoy your lab science classes? Are you a problem solver? Are you really good at math? Do you like to know how and why things work? Are you a strong communicator? If you’ve answered yes to some of these questions, then a degree in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering might be for you!

High School Classes Needed for an Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Degree in College:

  • 4 English Credits
  • 4 Math Credits
  • 4 Lab Science Credits (including Physics)
  • 3 Social Studies Credits
  • 2 Foreign Language Credits
  • If your high school offers the following courses, take advantage:
    • AP Chemistry
    • AP Physics
    • AP Calculus
    • AP Computer Science

Common Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Courses in College:

  • Aerodynamics I & II
  • Aeronautics
  • Astronautics
  • Aerospace Propulsion
  • Aerospace Structures
  • Aerospace Tech Lab
  • C++ Programming
  • Calculus I & II
  • Calculus and Vector Analysis
  • Chemical Principles
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Engineering Design
  • Flight Vehicle Dynamics
  • Mechanics
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Statics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Technical Writing
  • Thermal Science
  • Waves and Quantum Physics

Similar Degree Programs You Might Want to Explore:

  • Applied Physics: a course of study that combines physics, math, and engineering for practical applications
  • Astronomy: the study of celestial objects, space, and the universe
  • Astrophysics: the study of the physical nature of celestial bodies, and the application of the laws of physics to astronomical observations
  • Mathematics: the study of the measurement and properties of and the relationships between quantities and sets
  • Marine Engineering: a branch of mechanical engineering that deals with the design, development, installation, and most frequently, the operation and repair of the machinery on boats and ships
  • Mechanical Engineering: a course of study that teaches students how to design, construct, and operate machines and machinery
  • Physics: the study of the basic laws of nature
  • Statistics: the study of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data

Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Careers:

Individuals who earn such an impressive degree have many options. Many go on to be pilots (this may require additional training and/or licensing). Many graduates go to work as engineers, both of aircraft and spacecraft, both design engineers and project engineers. Some go into manufacturing. Others work in maintenance. Some even work in marketing and sales. The sky’s the limit!

Find out: What Can You Do with an Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering Degree?